Axes & Hatchets

Develop Your Yard Space With Axes

To make the most of all the space within your yard, use axes that are built for felling trees to shape the landscape. Sturdy options from eBay allow you to prune trees, create a temporary dwelling, and complete a wide range of tasks with ease while reducing pressure on your arms.

Can splitting axes split logs of any size?

Yes. Splitting axes on eBay are specially designed to split small, medium, and large logs. They are not meant for creating kindling or cutting down trees. These can have shock-absorbing handles that are easy to carry but prevent damage from repeated blows.

Can hand axes be used for kindling?

Yes. Hand axes are small and light, so they can easily be carried on your camping adventures. These are sharp enough to help you quickly create kindling, build a shelter, or split light logs for a campfire.

A wide selection of compact axes in this category is on eBay, and these are not too heavy, or too long, so they can easily fit inside your backpack while you are camping. You can find Scandinavian axes, and Japanese silky axes on eBay, along with universal axes made of PTFE-coated steel.

Clear land quickly with felling axes

When you need to efficiently remove trees in order to build or plant crops, use felling axes from eBay. These have longer handles than those that are designed for bushcraft and transfer the power needed to fell trees, but they are not meant for tasks that require a high level of precision, such as making kindling. Vendors have a wide array of axes with thin heads, which allow you to cut through thick wood quickly. These axes are thick enough to be strong and are ergonomically designed, so they transfer the force from each blow effectively. You can choose from felling axes that are:

  • Forged by hand, for extra strength.
  • Made from Swedish steel.
  • Designed with slim but strong hickory handles.
Enjoy the flexibility of universal axes

While eBay has a selection of axes that are developed for special purposes, you can also find axes that can be used in your yard for any purpose. While most of these have wooden handles, some are equipped with plastic handles that are reinforced with fibreglass. Such handles can keep going without a problem, in situations where a wooden handle would break. These have heads that are integrated into the handle, so they will not come off the stem. The handles absorb vibrations while you are cutting, and this increases your grip and your comfort.