Gift Boxes

Gift Boxes

Save time on wrapping up presents and avoid the awkward, ungainly wrapping of unusual shapes by placing a present in a beautifully designed gift box. Whether you are looking for gift boxes for a corporate event, weddings, parties, or just for a single item, then you can find gift boxes suitable for every type of occasion.

There is a huge selection of colors, patterns and sizes to choose from. Why not line the gift box with tissue paper and top it off with a satin bow to complete the look. There is something exceptional about receiving a present in a gift box that adds a special sense of wonder.

Gift Boxes for every Present

Go one step better with your perfect gift by making it extra special in its presentation. Choose a colorful gift box to make a statement, and, as they come in all shapes and sizes, there is no gift too big or too small that can't be presented with flourish. From small, lavish jewelry boxes through to large, impressively designed gift boxes, you can find the perfect way to present your gift, transforming it to something special.

Gift Box Types

Gift boxes are available in many different styles. Rigid gift boxes are great for presentation gifts. Folding boxes often have magnets to keep the box sealed and are ideal for keepsakes and you can often find these as jewelry gift boxes as a way to beautifully present an item. Smarten up a sweet or chocolate gift to make the recipient feel really special, transferring a lovely gift to a real statement of presentation. You can find fun, novelty gift boxes, ideal for wedding or party favours and they can be themed or decorated to match the occasion.

Gift boxes can be made out of various materials ranging from cardboard, plastic or metal. Most are made from eco-friendly packaging.